
Translated Phrases in Latin Parish Registers

Many parish registers of Germany and the United States contain entries written in Latin. The true difficulty arises in deciphering the handwriting itself. In German records, the handwriting may use a writing style called Sütterlin. Tough the letters are uniformly written, they are very distinct from the letters of other styles.

The prospect of translating the Latin should not be daunting, since each priest typically used a formulated entry for a birth, marriage, or burial. Here are typical Latin entries and their translations to English and German.

Birth and Baptism


Death and Burial

© Thomas G. Kohn, 2013.

Latin Marriage Entries in Parish Registers

This post is a stub entry, and it will be added to as more information is available.

Sample 1

Five consecutive entries from the Kirchenbuch Wasserliesch 1752-1797, microfilm 560,289, no.1, page 1. This priest used a very minimized text for marriage records.


Anno 1752
11ma January Petrus Weber filius legitimus Philippi Weber et Elisabethae conjugum ex Oberbillig et Helena Meyer vidua Joannis Frank ex Reinich

13ma January Mathias Greif filius legitimus Petri Greif et Conjugis Seick [?] ex Waweren et Anna Barbara Turck filia legitima Pauli Turck p: m: et Susannae Conjugis sua ex Lursch 

1ma February Henricus Seiler filius legitimus Joannis Georgii Seiler p:m: et Elisabethae Conjugis sua ex Contz et Susanna Werrel filia legitima Ludovici Werrel et Barbara Conjugum ex Lursch

3tia February Joannes Bröser filius legitimus Huberti Bröser et Clarae conjugum ex Lursch et Anna Maria Lambert vidua Mathia Scharfbillig ex Reinig

29ma Junii Nicolaus Braun viduus ex Lursch et Anna Schuman vidua Mathia Reis ex Lürsch subscriptis Graf in fidem JBadamy Cur: in Waßerlursch


Year 1752
11th January Peter Weber legitimate son of Philip Weber and Elisabeth married couple from Oberbillig and Helena Meyer widow of Johann Frank from Reinich

13th January Mathias Greif legitimate son of Peter Greif and married wife Seick from Wawern and Barbara Turk legitimate daughter of Paul Turk predeceased and Susanna his married wife from Lursch (modern: Wasserliesch)

1st February Heinrich Seiler legitimate son of Johann Georg Seiler predeceased and Elisabeth his wife from Konz and Susanna Werrel legitimate daughter of Ludwig Werrel and Barbara married couple from Lursch

3rd February Johann Breser legitimate son of Hubert Breser and Clara married couple from Lursch and Anna Maria Lambert widow of Mathias Scharfbilllig from Reinig

29th June Nicolaus Braun widower from Lursch and Anna Schuman widow of Mathias Reis from Lursch undersigned [testified] by the Count in faith J. Badamy curate in Wasserliesch

  • Note that none of the marriage entries state specifically that the marriage was solemnized. That fact is inferred by the title of the volume, Heiratsregister.

Common terms

anno (year)
conjugum (married couple), conjugis (married wife)
et (and)
ex (from, indicating a place of residence)filius legitimus (legitimate son), filia legitima (legitimate daughter)
-ma (suffix indicating an ordinal number)
vidua (widow), viduus (widower)

Sample 2

Two consecutive entries from the Kirchenbuch Wasserliesch 1752-1797, microfilm 560,289, no.1, page 19. With more information comes more variety. I provide several pages of examples.


1780 December

Die vigestima parochia hujus ego infrascriptus pastor copulavi matrimonialiter in ecclesia [ejusda] formam conistia [Tredertium] honestos adolescentes Theobaldinam sponsoram fi-
lium legitimum Joannis Schum et Joanna Bastian conjugum ex Waßerlirsch et Annam filiam legitimam Christophori Lisch et Eva Barbara conjugum ex Wawe-
ren, [estpot] dimißam, majoranem, habito etiam [utisper] Sponsi consenses libero, consentiamtiam stiam parentibus sponsi prsati, factis quoque in utrius rectoris proclamationibus prasentes erant testes
Sponsus Tehobaldi Dahm, Marnsus von Waßerlirsch.
Sponsa Anna Lusch + Grandztefan von Waweren
Pater Joannes Schu, von Waßerlirsch
Testis Joannes Lusch + frater sponsae von Waweren
Bernard Fischer B F munsur vom Temmels Grandztefan
testor Joan Kranz Parochus in Waßerlirsch.

1781 Januarius
[to be added]

Latin Burial Entries in Parish Registers

This post is a stub entry, and it will be added to as more information is available.

Latin Baptism Entries in Parish Registers

This post is a stub entry, and it will be added to as more information is available.


Installment 2: The Family of John Reinert (1822-1871) in Europe and America from 1812 to 1985

This post has been revised for announcing the second installment. © Thomas G. Kohn, 2013.

I've been working several years on a large genealogy project that corrects and expands a descendants list of my second great grandparents, John Reinert (1822-1871) and Katherine Blasius-Reinert (1824-1891). Finally, now that I'm semi-retired, I have time to devote to completing the project.

I released the second installment of about 50 pages yesterday, 5 November. I just released the first installment of about 20 pages on 27 July for comment by family members. I placed it at a publishing site for easy access: Installment 01. If you read any of it, please send comments to me at mailto:tgkohn@aol.com—that is the price of the document! As a teaser, here's the revised planned contents of the full document.

Research Objectives

Background on Sources

Towns near the Mosel River 7

Background on Geography
  • Towns near the Mosel River
    • Hamm-Filzen, Germany 
      • Geography
      • Parish
      • Local Development
      • History
    • Wasserbillig, Luxembourg
      • Geography
      • Parish
      • Local Development
      • History
    • Igel, Germany
      • Geography
      • Parish
      • Local Development
      • History 
      • Reinert History in the Area
  • Areas in the United States
    • Houston County, Minnesota
      • Geography
      • Parish
      • Local Development
      • History 
      • Reinert History in the Area 
[Complete to this point]
    • Near Tipton, Kansas
    • La Crosse, Wisconsin
    • Sheridan County, Kansas
Research Techniques
  • Church Registers
    • Using a Logical Search Order
      • Searching From a Known Birth
      • Searching From a Known Marriage
      • Using the Burial Registers to Corroborate Lives
    • Estimating Dates and Broadening the Search
    • U.S. Church Registers
    • European church registers
      • Researching the Reinert and Blasius Marriages
      • Researching the John Reinert Birth
  • Familienbücher
  • European civil registers
    • Standesamt Trier-Land
      • Peter Blasius I death
      • John Reinert and Katherine Blasius marriage
    • Standesamt Trier-Saarburg
    • Landeshauptarchiv Koblenz
    • Registre Communale de Mertert-Wasserbillig
  • U.S. Censuses
  • Deed Registers
  • Plat maps
  • Research Goal 1
  • Research Goal 2
  • Research Goal 3
  • Research Goal 4
  • Research Goal 5
  • Research Goal 6
  • Research Goal 7
Future Research

Critical Descriptions of Documents
  • Physical Description
  • Critical Analysis
  • Detailed Analysis
  • About Our Great Grandfather and Great Grandmother in the Kohn Family, 1974 
  • History of the Nicholas Reinert Family, 1983 
  • History of the Peter Reinert Family, 1983
  • History of the Maria Gillen Family, 1985
  • History of the Gertrude Schandler Family, 1984 
  • The Kirchenbuch of Igel, 1818-1908
  • Baptismal Entries 
  • Selection of the Godparents 
  • Marriage Entries 
  • Burial Entries
  • The Familienbuch of Igel, 1706-1899
  • Civil Registers from Wasserbillig/Grevenmacher 
  • Civil Registers from Konz 
  • Amerikaauswanderungen aus dem Landkreise Trier Rheinland 1855-1910, Mergen 1952 
  • Other Kirchenbücher from Parishes Surrounding Igel 
  • Parish Registers of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Wilmette Illinois 
    • Baptism 1862-1908 123
    • Baptism 1909-1915 124
  • U.S. Federal Censuses 
  • State Censuses 
  • County Registers 
  • Plat Maps
  • U.S. Parish Registers
  • Letter from Peter Irsch
  • A Brief History of the Saint Boniface Parish 245
  • Section I—Introduction
  • Section II—Church Sites
  • Section III—Church Structures
  • Section IV—Early History
  • Section IV—The Pastors
  • Section VI—The Rectories
  • Section VII—School and School Structures
  • Section IX—Cemeteries
  • Section X—Records
  • Section XI—The Parishioners
  • Section XII—Parochial Organizations—Vacation Schools
Pedigree Chart Indexes

The Trade of Leinweber 281

Geographical Catalog of Towns in the Igel and Wasserbillig Area

  • Preußen, 1871
  • Germany, 2004
  • Rheinland-Pfalz, 2004
  • Kreis Trier-Land, 2004
  • Igel from the air, about 1985
  • Chicago and surrounding states.
  • Chicago and inner suburbs, 2004.
  • Central Chicago neighborhoods, 2004

