If you have the original photo and the subjects are identified or the photographer's studio is named, please leave a comment or email me privately. I've given each photo a unique name to help in writing about them. I plan to add to this post frequently, to incorporate comments and add more photos. So check back often.
I have almost no photos in the Nick Reinert, Mary Gillen, and Gertrude Schandler families. Please send in your old family photos. But do include one or two of you and your family.
First posting 2013.12.03. Updated 2013.12.05, 2014.06.01 (Sr. Anne M. Reinert's information), 2018.05.24 (added photo numbers and captions), 2018.05.25-27 (reorganized by family branch, adds marriage and emigration documents, Ann McCrady's information and pictures).
Unattributed Photos
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Photo 80. Family outside German home |
Photo 80. "Family outside typical German home"
Estimated 1875-1895, location very likely Germany (Igel, Trier asserted). The photo was provided by Patricia Thummel, who identified the subjects as the Reinert home at Igel zu Trier. The building is typical to homes in small towns of western-central Germany, with an attached barn. The subjects are likely a single family, including five adults (or nearly-grown children) and five children.The adults are, left-to-right, female about age 32, male about age 30, female about age 26, female about age 45, and male about age 42.
The children are female about age 6, female about age 15 months, female about age 3, male about age 14, and male about age 6.
It seems unlikely the photo is only of the John Reinert family. When they emigrated in 1867, their ages were 45 (John), 42 (Katherine), 19 (Susanna), 16 (Nicolaus), almost 14 (Peter), 7 (Maria), and 26 months (Gertrude).
John Reinert's parents had died by 1867, and it's unclear who still lived in Wasserbillig, Luxembourg (John's home town). Katherine Blasius-Reinert's parents had also died by 1867, and three of her siblings had already emigrated to America. Her brother Peter was then living in Igel, married and with five children by 1867. I believe her brother Matthias was also living then in Igel, and unmarried.
Photo 110. "Military Unit"
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Photo 110. Military unit |
Only this identifying information available: [miltary unit], age, location, occasion, date.
- A family member is shown, but location and identity are not known.
Photo 105. "Annie Marie Reinert-Jentzen-Stegman"
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Photo 105. Annie Marie Reinert-Jentzen-Stegman |
- Mary Reinert, a daughter of [father] and [mother], was born [date] in [location]. She is a grand-daughter of [male] and [female].
Photo 108. "Tron Matthew Stegman."
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Photo 108. Tron Matthew Stegman |
- Tron Matthew Stegman, a son of [father] and [mother], was born [date] in [location]. He is the husband of Anna Marie Reinert-Jentzen-Stegman, a grand-daughter of [male] and [female].
Johann Reinert and Ancestors
Photo 75a-b. "Johann Reinert Wedding Entries"
I had failed to find the wedding of Johann Reinert and Katharine Blasius in the microfilmed church registers of Igle (Katherine's home) and Wasserbillig (Johann's home). I searched through about a half dozen registers from nearby churches as well before I asked a genealogist for help in Germany. He found the civil register that documented their marriage. I was advised that more than a few births, marriages, and deaths were left out of the church registers. For only those events that occurred after about 1820, civil registers often provide another source for the documentation.
HEIRATSAKT Nr. 5Translation:
“Im Jahre 1847 am 5. des Monats März um 11 Uhr vormittags erschienen vor mir Josef Aldringen, Bürgermeister und Civilstandesbeamten der Bürgermeisterei Igel, Landkreis Trier, Regierungs- und Landgerichtsbezirk Trier
JOHANN REINER gemäss vorgelegtem Geburtsakt, alt 24 Jahre, geboren zu Wasserbillig am zwölften des Monats Juni des Jahres actzehnhundertzwei-undzwanzig, Leinenweber von Stand (Beruf). Wohnhaft zu Wasserbillig, grossjähriger Sohn des PAULUS REINER, Leinenweber von Stand, wohnhaft in Wasserbillig, gegenwärtig (er ist bei der Heirat anwesend) und in die Ehe einwilligend und desse Ehefrau MARIA WEIS, ohne Stand, wohnhaft zu Wasserbillig und in die Ehe einwilligend (mit der Heirat einverstanden).
CATHARINA BLASIUS, gemäss hier deponiertem Geburtsakt, alt zweiundzwanzig Jahre, geboren zu Igel am zwanzigsten des Monats März des Jahres Tausend achthundertvierundzwanzig (1824), ohne Stand (Beruf), wohnhaft zu Igel, grossjährige Tochter des PETER BLASIUS Ackerer (farmer) von Stand (Beruf), wohnhaft zu Igel, gestorben daselbst (Igel) gemäss hier deponierten Sterbeakten am 2. des Monats März des Jahres eintausendachthunderteinundvierzig (1841) und dessen Ehefrau SUSANNE GRIVER, ohne Stand (Beruf), wohnhaft zu Igel und in diese Ehe einwilligend.
MARRIAGE ACT No. 5. In the year 1847 on the 5th of the month March at 11 o’clock appeared before me, Josef Aldringen, mayor and registrar of the city of Igel, county of Trier, government and state district of Trier ...
On the one side :
JOHANN REINER according to the submitted birth record, 24 years old, born in Wasserbillig on the twelfth of the month June in the year eighteen hundred twenty-two, linen weaver by profession. Resident of Wasserbillig, legally-aged son of PAULUS REINER, present and consenting to the marriage, and his wife MARIA WEIS, without profession, resident of Wasserbillig and consenting to the marriage
On the other side:
CATHARINA BLASIUS, according to the deposited birth record, twenty-two years old, born in Igel on the twentieth of the month March in the year one thousand eight hundred twenty-four (1824), without profession, resident in Igel, legal-aged daughter of PETER BLASIUS farmer by profession, resident in Igel, deceased here (Igel) according to the death record deposited here on the 2nd of the month of March in the year one thousand eight hundred forty-one (1841) and his wife SUSANNE GRIVER, without profession, resident in Igel and consenting to the marriage
[Text: Es geht um die Eheverkündigung, Aushang und die Erklärung der Verheiratung.]"Dealing with the publication of the marriage, the Aushang, and the declarations of marriage.) [With this summary, Gall dispenses with seven lines at the bottom of page 1 and all of page 2 except for the signatures at the bottom. -tgk]
Zeugen: Keine verwandten der Brautleute.
Die Mutter der Braut und des Bräutigams
erklärten, dass sie nicht unterschreiben
können, weil sie es nicht gelernt haben.
Unterschriften: JOHANN REINER
Pauls reiner ´´
Katharina Blasius
Witnesses: None related to the couple. The mothers of the bride and groom declare that they cannot sign the document because they have not learned to write.
Signatures: JOHANN REINER [he does not write Reinert], Pauls reiner [he does not write Reinert],
Katharina Blasius .
Photo 76, "Johann Reinert Entlassungs-Urkunde"
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Photo 76. Johann Reinert family Entlassungs-Urkunde |
Susanna Reinert-Kohn and Descendants
Nicholas Reinert (Maria Simeon) and Descendants
I have almost no photos in the Nick Reinert, Mary Gillen, and Gertrude Schandler families. Please send in your old family photos. But do include one or two of you and your family.Photo 111. Margie Engelbert
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Photo 111. Margie Engelbert |
- Margaret Reinert, a daughter of John Peter Reinert (1884-1966) and Mary Rohlman (1885-1971), was born 28 Aug 1922 in [location]. She married William H. Engelbert (b. 27 Oct 1927) 11 May 1948 in Mitchell county KS. She died 22 Apr 1994 in [location]. She is a grand-daughter of Nicholas Reinert (1851-1933) and Mary Simeon (1861-1960).
Photo 109. "Anna Genevieve Strauss."
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Photo 109. Anna Genevieve Strauss. |
- Anna Genevieve Strauss is the wife of Leo J. Reinert (1909-2001). Her parents are [father, dates] and [mother, dates]. She was born 20 Feb 1917 in Pueblo, Pueblo county CO, and she married Leo 5 Jul 1936 in Denver, Denver county CO. She died 2 May 1991 in Mesa, Maricopa county AZ, and was buried [date] in Northglenn, Adams county CO.
Photo 104. "Leona Reinert-Kogovsek"
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Photo 104. Leona Kogovsek-Reinert |
- Leona Ann Reinert, a daughter of Leo J. Reinert (1909-2001) and Anna Genevieve Strauss (1917-1991), was born 1937 in [location]. She married Frank A Kogovsek (b.1939) 28 Nov 1970 in [location]. She is a grand-daughter of Nicholas Reinert (1851-1933) and Mary Simeon (1861-1960).
Photo 106. "Mary Louise Reinert"
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Photo 106. Mary Reinert, date |
- Mary Louise Reinert, a daughter of Leo J. Reinert (1909-2001) and Anna Genevieve Strauss (1917-1991), was born 28 Oct 1937 in [location]. She joined the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati Ohio on 8 Sep 1958, and was released from vows Jun 1968. She married Eugene Hansen (b.abt 1935) 9 Sep 1969 in [location]. She is a grand-daughter of Nicholas Reinert (1851-1933) and Mary Simeon (1861-1960).
Photo 107. "Theresa Agnes Reinert"
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Photo 107. Thesea Agnes Reinert |
- Theresa Agnes Reinert, a daughter of Leo J. Reinert (1909-2001) and Anna Genevieve Strauss (1917-1991), was born 6 May 1944 in Pueblo, Pueblo county CO. She is a grand-daughter of Nicholas Reinert (1851-1933) and Mary Simeon (1861-1960).
Peter Reinert (Catherine Schwinden) and Descendants
I have relatively few photos in the Peter Reinert family. Please send in your old family photos. But do include one or two of you and your family.![]() |
Photo 77. Three young women |
Photo 77. "Three young women"
Estimated 1899-1905, location unknown (perhaps Germany). This photo was provided by Patricia Thummel, who identified the subjects as Barbara Mertake, Kätherlina Reinert, and Mary Catherine Reinert. Two colleagues and I estimated their ages as 22, 12, and 17 for Barbara; 24, 32, and 22 for Kätherlina; and 18, 13, and 19 for Mary Catherine.My data does not include the Mertake family, nor a Reinert woman with the nickname Kätherline.
A known Mary Catherine Reinert was born 21 Jan 1886, the daughter of Peter Reinert and Catherine Schwinden-Reinert. She married Thomas Thummel at age 19 on 30 August 1905 in St. Boniface church of Tipton, relocated from the Tipton area to Seguin KS in 1906, and died 1 January 1955. No visits to Germany are known.
- Who is Barbara Mertake?
- Who is Kätherline (Ketterlina) Reinert?
- Where was this photo taken?
- Does the original photo provide the photographer or studio name?
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Photo 81. Two girls, first communion |
Photo 81. "Two girls, first communion"
Estimated 1906-1907. Photo provided by Patricia Thummel, who identified the subject in the right as Margaret Reinert (married name Neff) at Cawker City, Kansas. The girl on the left is unknown.Left subject unknown, estimated age 11 years.
Right subject Margaret Reinert-Neff, estimated age 8 years. Margaret was the tenth child of Peter Reinert and Catherine Schwinden-Reinert (the eighth to survive past infancy). She was born 26 August 1898, married Florentz Neff on 25 August 1925, and died on 4 December 1967.
- Are both girls celebrating the first communion? If yes, why do they have different signifiers of the event (on the left, a white veil with floral wreath, prayer book, and rosary; on the right, a lit candle with handkerchief, no veil)?
- Is the older girl a sister, perhaps Gertrude (born 1896) or Anna Catherine (born 1894)?
- Does the original photo provide the photographer or studio name?
Photos 82a and 82b. "Six brothers"
Estimated date 1911-1915, a formal studio photo of the sons of Peter Reinert and Catherine Schwinden-Reinert. I have two scans of the same photo, the top from Patricia Thummel, the bottom from Sr. Anne Martin Reinert. The subjects are identified by Sr. Anne:![]() |
Photo 82a. Six brothers |
- Henry (Henry Nicholas) Reinert, 1892-1970. Henry was the 7th child (5th to survive infancy). He married Anna Arendt on 8 September 1920 in UNKNOWN LOCATION, and had 7 children. Age estimates of 24, 17, and 22.
- Ted (Theodore Mathias) Reinert, 1901-1987. Ted was the 12th child (9th to survive infancy). He married Anna Geerdes on 24 April 1929 in Seguin KS, and had 9 children. Age estimates of 14, 15, and 16.
- Will (William Joseph) Reinert, 1883-1982. Will was the 3rd child (first to survive infancy). He married Barbara Deges on 16 April 1912 in UNKNOWN LOCATION, and had 8 children. Age estimates of 21, 22, and 54.
Photo 82b. Six brothers |
- Doc (Gervase Thomas) Reinert, 1906-1981. Gervase was the 14th and youngest child (11th to survive infancy). He married Ruth Smith on 1 October 1938 in Omaha NE, and had one child. His adult nickname was "Doc." Age estimates of 11, 11, and 12.
- Carl (Carl Mathias) Reinert, 1889-1965. Carl was the 6th child (4th to survive infancy). He married Bertha Holdforth on 6 May 1914 in UNKNOWN LOCATION, and had 8 children. Age estimates of 28, 19, and 33.
- Alex (Alex Gregory) Reinert, 1904-1939. Alex was the 13th child (10th to survive infancy), and he would die at age 35, unmarried. Age estimates of 8, 7, and 9.
- Were all the brothers together to celebrate some specific event?
- Are any other nicknames used?
- Can any locations for marriages be corrected?
Photo 83. "Grandmother Catherine, daughter, grandson, and son"
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Photo 83. Grandmother Catherine, daughter, grandson, and son |
Estimated date: perhaps 1939. The photo comes from Patricia Thummel, who identifies the subjects.
- Gertrude Hubertine Reinert (1896-1991) at screen door.
- Grandma Catherine Schwinden-Reinert (1860-1940). Her husband Peter had died in 1934.
- Gerald Reinert (1932-1982). He married Joan Sullivan on 8 June 1955 in UNKNOWN LOCATION, and had 5 children.
- Carl Reinert (1889-1965). He married Bertha Holdforth on 6 May 1914 in UNKNOWN LOCATION, and had 8 children.
- Where are Carl's other seven children?
- Who likely took the photo?
- Was the smock typical for Grandma Catherine?
- Location of this setting?
Photo 84. "Five members of the older generation"
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Photo 84. Five members of the older generation |
- Peter Reinert
- Catherine Schwinden-Reinert
- Unknown, perhaps Maria Simeon-Reinert
- Unknown, perhaps Nicholas Reinert or Steven Schandler
- Perhaps Mary Reinert-Schandler
Photo 85. "Wedding party, bride and groom seated"
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Photo 85. Wedding party, bride and groom seated |
- Groom identity
- Bride identity
- Bridesmaid identity
- Best man identity
Photo 86. "Farm family of parents and seven children"
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Photo 86. Farm family of parents and seven children |
- Boy, about 11
- Girl, about 16
- Peter Reinert?
- Boy, about 15
- Girl, about 2
- Catherine Schwinden-Reinert?
- Girl, about 18
- Girl, about 8
- Baby or doll?
Photo 87. "Group at the veranda"
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Photo 87. Group at the veranda |
Date? Occasion? Identities of all people?
- Man, Peter Reinert?
- Man, Wilhelm Schwinden
- Woman
- Female child
- Woman, Catherine Schwinden-Reinert
- Woman
- Female child
- Woman
- Man
- Woman
- Woman
- Boy
- Baby
- Man
- Woman
- Boy
- Woman
- Man
- Boy
Photo 88. "Gervase and Alex Reinert, 1909"
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Photo 88. Gervase and Alex Reinert, 1909 |
Gervase Thomas (left) was born 16 Jan 1906, and Alex was born 1 Oct 1904.
Photo 89. "Gervase and Ruth Reinert"
Photo 89. Gervase and Ruth Reinert |
Photo 90. "Wedding of Ted Reinert and Anna Geerdes, 1929"
Photo 90. Wedding of Ted Reinert and Anna Geerdes, 1929 |
Any other detail available?
Photo 91. "Communion of Ted and Margaret Reinert"
Photo 91. Communion of Ted and Margaret Reinert |
Photo 92. "Wedding portrait of Tony Feldt and Anna Reinert"
Photo 92. Wedding portrait of Tony Feldt and Anna Reinert, 1919 |
The wedding occurred 27 May 1919 in Seguin, Sheridan county, Kansas.
Other detail available?
Their marriage certificate, written in German, reads:"Memorial of the blessed sacrament of marriage. In the year 1919, the 27th May, in the St. Merntius' Church of Seguin, Kansas, received the Blessed Sacrament of Marriage Anton G. Feldt and Anna Cath. Reinert. Witness: Heinrich Feldt and Gertrud Reinert." (The original certificate is owned by Audrey Danner.)
Photo 93. "Margaret Reinert-Neff"
Photo 93. Margaret Reinert-Neff |
Photo 58. "Peter Reinert family, 1929?"

Photo 59. "Reinert 50th Group"

Photo 60. "Peter Reinert home, rear, 1906"

Photo 61. "Peter Reinert home, front, 1906"

Photo 62. "Catherine Schwinden-Reinert Portrait, 1929"

Photo 63. "Peter Reinert Portrait, 1929"

Photo 64. "Reinert Family Portrait, 1893"

Photo 65. "Reinert Family Portrait, 1901"

Photo 66. "Catherine Schwinden-Reinert Portrait, 1929"

Photo 67. "Peter Reinert Portrait, 1929"

Photo 68. "Reinert-Arendt Wedding Portrait, 1920"

Photo 69. "Eleven Family Portrait, 1939"

Photo 70. "Reinert-Holdforth Wedding Portrait, 1914"

Photo 71. "Reinert-Smith Wedding Portrait, 1938"

Photo 72. "Reinert-Geerdes Wedding Portrait, 1929"

Photo 73. "Neff-Reinert Wedding Portrait, 1925"

Photo 94. "Tony Feldt family"
Photo 94. Tony Feldt family, about 1948. |
Front row, left to right:
- Butch (Anthony Laurence) Feldt. He was born 17 Jul 1934 in Park, Gove county KS; baptized [date] in [location]; and married Mary Ann Rupp 30 Apr 1957 in Grainfield, Gove county KS.
- Tony (Anton George) Feldt. He was born 6 Sep 1890 in Sheridan county KS; [no baptism information]; died 29 Mar 1973 in Quinter, Gove county KS; and buried [no date] in Sacred Heart Cemetery, Park, Gove county KS. His parents were John Albert Feldt (est 1865-1930) and Anna Marie Schulte (est 1865-1940).
- Anna Catherine Reinert-Feldt. She was born 19 Apr 1894 in Bloom township, Osborne county KS; [no baptism information]; died 5 Dec 1966 in an auto accident in Salina, Saline county KS; and buried [no date] in Sacred Heart Cemetery, Park, Gove county KS. Her parents were Peter Reinert VII (1853-1934) and Catherine Schwinden (1860-1940).
- Bette (Elizabeth Veronica) Feldt. She was born 25 Oct 1930 in [location]; baptized [date] in [location]; and married LeRoy Richard Younger 5 May 1951 in Sacred Heart Church, Park, Gove county KS.
- Jerome (Jerome Bernard) Feldt. He was born 6 Aug 1920 in Park, Gove county KS; baptized [date] in [location]; married Elizabeth Czizck 30 Dec 1950 at the Post chapel, Fort Snelling MN; died 13 Oct 1965 in Griffen, [county] GA; and buried [date] in Union Civil War Cemetery, Marietta, [county] GA.
Photo 94. Tony Feldt family, about 1948. |
- Cletus (? Cletus Nicholas) Feldt. He was born 30 Jul 1932 in [location]; baptized [date] in [location]; married Lois Esther Donovan 16 Jul 1955 in Grinnell, Gove county KS; died 21 Nov 2008 in [location]; and buried 25 Nov 2008 in Sacred Heart Cemetery, Park, Gove county KS.
- Teresa (Teresa Catherine) Feldt. She was born 21 Oct 1924 in Park, Gove county KS; baptized [date] in [location]; married Frederick Benton 1 May 1946 in Sacred Heart Church, Park, Gove county KS; died 8 May 2008 in [location]; and buried [date] in [location].
- Anna Marie Feldt. She was born 17 Apr 1922 in Park, Gove county KS; baptized [date] in [location]; married Frank Herman Huelsman 28 Oct 1941 in Sacred Heart Church, Park, Gove county KS; died 9 Jun 1998 in Hays, Ellis county KS; and buried [date] in [location].
- Jack (? John Albert) Feldt. He was born 13 Apr 1926 in Park, Gove county KS; baptized [date] in [location]; married Margaret Ann Beyer 10 Apr 1950 in St. Joseph of Myra Church on 10 Apr 1950; died 1 Jan 1999 in [location]; and buried [date] in [location].
- Pete (? Peter Anton) Feldt. He was born 15 Jan 1928 in [location]; baptized [date] in [location]; and married Margaret L Stithem 16 Apr 1953 in Wakeeney, Trego county KS.
- Norb (Norbert Gerhard) Feldt. He was born 22 May 1929 in Park, Gove county KS; baptized [date] in [location]; and married Louise Goetz 15 May 1951 in Sacred Heart Church, Park, Gove county KS.
The family data compiled by Margaret Reinert-Engelbert includes this narrative: "Anton Feldt and Anna Catherine Reinert were married May 26, 1919 in Seguin, Kansas. They moved onto the farm one mile west of Park, where his parents had lived. [This implies his parents had died or retired by 1919. Can this be corroborated or refuted?] They had six sons; Jerome, John. Peter, Norbert, Cletus and Anthony. Their three daughters were Anna Marie Huelsman, Teresa Benton and Elizabeth Younger.
"Anna and Tony were involved with the Red Cross, Daughters of Isabella, Altar Society and Knights of Columbus. Anna was kept busy raising her family and helping the boys with chores. She loved being on the farm and did not want to move to town, into their nearly completed new home. When she died in a car accident December 5, 1966; she did not have to move to town."
Photo 74. "Schuetz-Reinert Wedding, 1915"
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Photo 74. Schuetz-Reinert wedding portrait, 1915 |
- Margaret Reinert
- John Gillen
- Mathias Schuetz (groom)
- Henry Reinert
- Elizabeth Reinert (bride)
- "Palh (from Tipton)"
Photo 95. "Mathias Schuetz family, 1940"
Mathias Schuetz family, 1940 |
Back row, from left:
- Isabelle (Isabelle Catherine Schuetz-Peltier, 1917-2000?)
- Henrietta (Henrietta Margaret Schuetz-LaBarge, 1918-2000?)
- Bernard (Bernard Nicholas Schuetz, 1925-2011?)
- Raymond (Raymond William, 1919-2000?)
- Pauline (Pauline Helen Schuetz-Perkins, b. 1921)
- Asella (Asella Marie Schuetz-Lindstrom, b. 1922).
- Mathias Schuetz (1883-1968)
- Josephine (Josephine Ann Schuetz-Goscha, b. 1927)
- Elizabeth (Elizabeth Susanna Reinert-Schuetz, 1887-1981).
Photo 96. "Henry Reinert family, 1945"
Photo 96. Henry Reinert family, 1945 |
Rear, left to right:
- Vincent (Vincent Leo, 1929-1997)
- Sr. Dorothy Ann (Esther, 1921-1995)
- Francis (Frank Robert, 1926-1996)
- Eldean (Eldean Marie Reinert-Cahoj, b. 1932).
- Toots (Virginia Elizabeth Reinert-McMahon, b. 1934)
- Aunt Anna (Anna Catherine Arendt, 1896-1945)
- Uncle Henry (Henry Nicholas, 1892-1970)
- Bob (Henry Robert, b. 1936).
Photo 75. "Douglas Moore, Jr."
Douglas Moore married Marie Diane Reinert.- Marie Diane Reinert is the daughter of Peter Aloysius Reinert (1923-1972) and Dorothy Rose Kogl (1932-). Marie was born 24 Jun 1954 in Atwood, Rawlins county KS. She is a great-grand-daughter of Peter Reinert and
Catherine Schwinden-Reinert.
She married Richard Alan Braasch (1952-1990) 21 Sep 1974 in [location].
She married Doug [date] in [location]. She died 27 Oct 2004 in Salina, Saline county KS, and she was buried 30 Oct 2004 in St. Thomas cemetery, Stockton, Rooks county KS.
- Douglas A. Moore is the son of [father, dates] and [mother, dates]. He was born 1 Dec 1947 in Mobile AL, died 13 Aug 2013 in Salina, Saline county KS, and was buried 17 Aug in Gypsum Hill cemetery, Salina, Saline county KS.
Photo 97. "Peter Reinert Family"
Photo 97. Peter Reinert family |
Front row (left to right):
- Female
- Catherine Schwinden-Reinert
- Male
- Peter Reinert
- Male
- Female
- Male
- Female
- Male
- Female
- Male
- Male
- Female
Photo 98. "Peter and Catherine Reinert with Family on Fiftieth Anniversary."
Photo 98. Peter and Catherine Reinert with family on 50th anniversary |
- male
- male
- male
- Peter Reinert
- male
- female
- female
- male
- female
- Catherine Schwinden-Reinert
- male
- female
- female
Photo 99. "Full Peter Reinert Family at their 50th Anniversary."
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Photo 99. Full Peter Reinert Family at their 50th Anniversary |
Peter & Catherine's 50th Anniversary Sept. 1929
Left to Right, Front to Back (age, father) Description
Front Row Left Side
1. Catherine Thummel (17, Beiker) arm on #2
2. Isabelle C. Schuetz (12, Peltier)
3. Catherine Reinert (ll, Carl) cross-legged, big white collar
4. Henrietta Schuetz (11) 4th girl on ground
5. Henry Reinert (6, Carl) boy with loud socks
6. Pete Reinert (6, Henry)
7. Frank Reinert (3, Henry)
8. Crescentia Reinert (3, Ann Uram) girl rubbing eye
9. Bernard Schuetz (4) scratching lip
10. girl
11. Fred Reinert (13, Carl) 1st boy on ground
12. Walter Thummel (13) 2nd boy on ground
13. Lawrence Thummel (15) 3rd boy on ground
14. Felix (Pete) Thummel (20) 4th boy on ground
Second Row Left Side
1. Barbara Hake, From Tipton? Maggie Gillen Lady behind Catherine Thummel
2. Nick Reinert, From Tipton? Man with big mustache
3. Mary Reinert, From Tipton? Lady next to first angel (girl) Nauer - Peter Reinert's sister
4. Teresa (Feldt) Benton (5) 1st girl
5. Asella Schuetz (7, Mathias ) 2nd girl
6. Pauline Schuetz (8, Mathias) 3rd girl
7. Peter Reinert (76) Great Grandpa
8. Catherine Reinert (69) Great Grandma
9. Anna Marie (Feldt) Huelsman (7) 4th girl
10. Ester (Sister Dorothy Ann) (9) 5th girl
11. Christina Reinert (9, Carl's daughter) 6th girl
12. 1st lady sitting
13. Mary Gillen (69, Carl's daughter Peter's sister) 2nd lady sitting
14. Margaret Greiner (Catherine's Sister) 3rd lady w/scalloped collar
15. Geerdes (Ann Reinert's Mother/Sister) Lady standing to far side, behind last boy Rose Rietchect Anna Reinert's sister
3rd Row Left Side
1. Cecilia Reinert (14,Carl's daughter) Girl w/1ong necktie
2. Rose Arendt (Ann Reinert's sister) Girl in light colored dress
3. Gervase Reinert (23) Doc
4. Mrs. Henry Reinert (33, Anna) With glasses
5. Mary Thummel (43) With necktie/scarf
6. Will Reinert (46) Between Peter & Catherine
7. Jerome Feldt (9) 1st boy w/nice hair
8. Wendell Thummel (10) 2nd boy
9. Ray Schuetz (10) 3rd boy
10. Katherine (Kohn) Gasper (Susanna (Reinert) Kohn's daughter)
11. ? Mary Thummel Lutgen, Lady w/square neck collar, behind Mrs. Gillen
12. Mrs. Holdforth (Bertha's Mother) Lady in front of baby
4th row left side
1. William Reinert (1) Child
2. Carl Reinert (40)
3. Alex Reinert (25)
4. Anna (Geerdes) Reinert (25,Ted's Wife) Behind Gervase
5. Ted Reinert (28)
6. Henry Reinert (37) With glasses
7. Clementine Reinert Baalman? (Tony Feldt's sister) Girl between Mary & Will
8. Margaret Neff (31) Behind Will's shoulder w/g1asses
9. Florentz Neff (30)
10. Gertrude Reinert (33)
11. Josephine Schuetz (2) Baby
12. Elizabeth Schuetz (42)
13. Anna Feldt (33)
14. Mrs. Mannebach (Joe's mother) Shorter lady behind women
15. ? Lady next to man w/baby, in front of blond haired man
16. Anton (Tony) Feldt (39) Man w/baby
17. Peter Feldt (1) Baby
5th Row Left Side
1. Bertha (Hodforth) Reinert (39, Carl's wife) Gir1 behind Alex
2. John Feldt (Tony's dad) Man w/hat on
3. ? Ho1dforth (Bertha's brother) Man between Ted & Henry
4. Phil Gaspar, Man w/moustache, corner of house
5. Felix Reitcheck?, Man w/necktie
6. Man w/hat on, in front of window
7. William Thumme1 (23) Face behind Will & Margaret
8. Henry Geerdes, Sr., Man w/white driving hat
9. Matt Schuetz (46) Tall man at left edge of porch
10. Mrs. John Feldt? ("She wore her hair like that"), Lady's head behind E1iz. & baby
11. Tall man w/center part
12. George Geerdes (Ann Reinert's brother) Man w/moustache (Rhett Butler?)
13. Pete Feldt, ("He always wore a hat") Dark man in hat
14. Pete Lutgen, Man w/white hair & moustache
Photo 100. "William and Barbara Reinert at their Golden Jubilee"
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Photo 100. William and Barbara Reinert at their Golden Jubilee |
- Dr. Gervase Reinert
- Margaret
- Theodore Reinert
- Gertrude
- William
- Anna
- Henry
- Elizabeth
- Carl
Photo 101. "Peter Reinert and son William in the General Store"
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Photo 101. Peter Reinert and son William in the General Store |
Photo 102. "Peter Reinert family when departing farm in Tipton area"
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Photo 102. Peter Reinert family when departing farm in Tipton area |
- Peter Reinert
- daughter
- son
- horse
- Catherine Schwinden-Reinert
- child
- boy
- horse
- Who is operating the camera?
Photo 103a-f. "John Vernon Reinert."
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Photo 103b. John Vernon Reinert, 1968 |
- John Vernon Reinert, son of Vincent Leo Reinert (1929-1997) and Lorene Heim (1931-), was born 1 Mar 1962 in [location unknown]. He has seven brothers and sisters. He is a great-grandson of Peter Reinert and Catherine Schwinden-Reinert.
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Photo 103c. John Vernon Reinert, 1991 |
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Photo 103f. John Vernon Reinert, date |
Photo 112. Sr Anne Martin Reinert
Sr. Anne Martin Reinert |
- Mary Reinert, a daughter of Theodore Mathias Reinert (1909-1987) and Anna Geerdes (1904-2007), was born 13 Aug 1931 in Seguin, Sheridan county KS. The Sisters of St. Joseph received her final vows 19 Mar 1951 in Nazareth Motherhouse, Concordia, Cloud county KS [?]. She is a grand-daughter of Peter Reinert and Catherine Schwinden-Reinert.
Mary Reinert-Gillen (John) and Descendants
I have almost no photos in the Nick Reinert, Mary Gillen, and Gertrude Schandler families. Please send in your old family photos. But do include one or two of you and your family.![]() |
Photo 79. Two young women, empty chair |
Photo 79. "Two young women, empty chair"
Estimated 1875-1883, location uncertain (Germany asserted). The photo was provided by Patricia Thummel, who identified the subjects as Mary Reinert and Gertrude Reinert. Two colleagues and I estimated their ages as 16,15, and 17 for Mary; 15, 16, and 19 for Gertrude.Mary Reinert-Gillen was born 27 January 1860, emigrated at age 7 from Germany 9 February 1867, settled in Caledonia MN 1867-1872, resettled to Tipton KS area Autumn 1872 (age 12), married 24 April 1887 (age 20), and died 26 July 1939 (age 79).
Gertrude Reinert-Schandler was born 9 December 1864, emigrated from Germany at age 2 on 9 February 1867, settled in Caledonia MN 1867-1872, resettled to Tipton KS area Autumn 1872 (age 8), married 26 January 1887 (age 22), and died 24 September 1913 (age 49).
- Does the empty chair signify some fact?
- Do the braids indicate some aspect, perhaps unmarried and not engaged?
- Does the original photo provide the photographer or studio name?
- Do clothing styles indicate some facts?
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Photo 78. Two young women, flower sprigs |
Photo 78. "Two young women, flower sprigs"
Estimated 1880-1902, location unknown (Trier, Germany noted). This photo was provided by Patricia Thummel, who identified the subjects as Mary Reinert with a relative. Two colleagues and I estimated their ages as 20, 42, and 32 for Mary and 16, 15, 15 for the relative.Mary Reinert-Gillen was born 27 January 1860, emigrated at age 7 from Germany 9 February 1867, settled in Caledonia MN 1867-1872, resettled to Tipton KS area Autumn 1872 (age 12), married 24 April 1887 (age 20), and died 26 July 1939.
No visits to Germany are known.
- Do the flower sprigs in their left hands signify some event?
- Who is the relative?
- Does the relative's pose, holding to Mary's arm, indicate a weakness or need for support?
- Does the original photo provide more text at the bottom than “Photogr TRIER”?
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Photo 84. Five members of the older generation |
Photo 84. "Five members of the older generation"
Estimated date: TBD. Patricia Thummel provided the photo, and she identified the subjects.- Peter Reinert
- Catherine Schwinden-Reinert
- Unknown, perhaps Maria Simeon-Reinert
- Unknown, perhaps Nicholas Reinert or Steven Schandler
- Perhaps Mary Reinert-Schandler
Gertrude Reinert-Schandler (Stephen) and Descendants
I have almost no photos in the Nick Reinert, Mary Gillen, and Gertrude Schandler families. Please send in your old family photos. But do include one or two of you and your family.![]() |
Photo 79. Two young women, empty chair |
Photo 79. "Two young women, empty chair"
Estimated 1875-1883, location uncertain (Germany asserted). The photo was provided by Patricia Thummel, who identified the subjects as Mary Reinert and Gertrude Reinert. Two colleagues and I estimated their ages as 16,15, and 17 for Mary; 15, 16, and 19 for Gertrude.Mary Reinert-Gillen was born 27 January 1860, emigrated at age 7 from Germany 9 February 1867, settled in Caledonia MN 1867-1872, resettled to Tipton KS area Autumn 1872 (age 12), married 24 April 1887 (age 20), and died 26 July 1939 (age 79).
Gertrude Reinert-Schandler was born 9 December 1864, emigrated from Germany at age 2 on 9 February 1867, settled in Caledonia MN 1867-1872, resettled to Tipton KS area Autumn 1872 (age 8), married 26 January 1887 (age 22), and died 24 September 1913 (age 49).
- Does the empty chair signify some fact?
- Do the braids indicate some aspect, perhaps unmarried and not engaged?
- Does the original photo provide the photographer or studio name?
- Do clothing styles indicate some facts?
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Photo 84. Five members of the older generation |
Photo 84. "Five members of the older generation"
Estimated date: TBD. Patricia Thummel provided the photo, and she identified the subjects.- Peter Reinert
- Catherine Schwinden-Reinert
- Unknown, perhaps Maria Simeon-Reinert
- Unknown, perhaps Nicholas Reinert or Steven Schandler
- Perhaps Mary Reinert-Schandler
[No photo at present.]
It is so wonderful to see my family in pictures. I am Peter & Catherine Schwinden Reinert's 2x great granddaughter. I have some pictures I could share of the family. Let me know how I can get them to you. I often go out to Kansas and visit the cemetery in Seguin, Kansas and can get pictures of the that for you if you don't already have them. Tracy Doran
ReplyDeleteHi Tracy, I'm very interested in more family photos, so contact me at tgkohn@aol.com to send them. I encourage you to add comments about each of the photos you see here. (Make sure to refer to each photo by its number, please.)
DeleteMy family data probably includes you, but it doesn't include the family name you used. Perhaps you're one of the Tracies with the family name of Adam, Doering, Fitzgibbons, Ford, Krathy, Rogers, or Thorton. (Forgive any mispellings, as some data comes from a family book that wasn't well edited.)