
Houston County, Minnesota—Reinert history in the area

This post is a stub, subject to frequent updates. First publication [not published]. © Thomas G. Kohn, 2013.

Although the Reinert family lived in Houston county only five years, their life should have left these records, which require further research.
  • School attendance for Nicholas (age 16 through perhaps 18), Peter (ages 14 through perhaps 18), Mary (ages 7 to 12), and Gertrude (ages 6 to 8)
  • Burial of John Reinert
  • Confirmations of Nicholas and Peter, possibly Mary and Gertrude
  • Lease agreements for the farm property
  • Tax forms for 1868 through 1872
  • Auction notices and receipts for the small property that could not fit in a wagon
A news item and advertisement in the Houston County Journal of 25 June 1872[24] received some attention.
Buffalo Land.

We are in receipt of this new and most agreeable volume of over 500 pages from the press of E. Hannaford & Co., (Publishers of First Class Subscription Books, Cincinnati and Chicago) The author is Hon. W. E. Webb, of Topeka, Kansas, long and widely known from his connection with the interests of emigration, and a strikingly original and jocular humorist.

He describes the wealth and wonders, the mysteries and marvels of the boundless West—that wild region so much talked about, yet as little understood, whose growth and development seem like a tale of Eastern magic. It is superbly illustrated, containing no less than fifty-three original and striking engravings, from actual photographs and designs by Prof. Henry Worrall, and executed (the enterprising publishers assure us) at a total cost of over $2,800.

In a short review like this, it is, of course, impossible to convey a perfect idea of this admirable work. To any one who has the least touch of “the Western fever,” it must prove really invaluable; and for all classes of readers, without execution, it is the liveliest and most laugh-provoking book we have seen for many a day. It abounds with valuable information, the reliability of which is vouched for by Governor Harvey, of Kansas, and others. It fairly brims over with wit and humor, and many of its chapters rival Mark Twain’s happiest style.

“Buffalo Land” embraces a wide and varied range of topics, among them the following:

Details of great interest and importance concerning the natural features, vast resources, rapid development, and almost incredible progress of the far Western States and Territories, with glimpses of their mighty future;

Curious and interesting facts connected with the climatic and other changes consequent upon the settlement and denser population of the newly-reclaimed Western lands;

Fresh and authentic information, from official sources, respecting the supply of fuel and lumber available for use on the Great Plains: the cost of a farm, what the emigrant should bring with him, stock-raising at the West, &c.

A full summary of the Homestead and Preemption laws and regulations, prepared by a former Register of the U.S. Land Office.

Full and accurate descriptions of the habits, characteristics, etc., of the savage red man, buffalo, elk, antelope, etc., as found in their native wilds and on the out-skirts of civilization;

Graphic and thrilling narratives of hunting adventures, stalking the bison, encounters with Indians, etc.;

Vivid pictures of life on the frontiers; the past and present of the Great Plains; the vast inland sea, and the marvelous animal life with which it once teemed;

Highly interesting accounts of the geological wonders of the West, antiquarian and scientific researches, etc.

The publishers desire agents for t everywhere, allowing exclusive territory and the most liberal commissions. The firm is a prompt and reliable one. We give their address in full: E. Hannaford & Co., 192 West Madison Street, Chicago, Ills. Many of our readers will want this book, and agents will make money rapidly in its sale.
The book created excitement among residents of the county. A couple residents travelled to Kansas and returned to verify many of the claims made in Buffalo Land. In September 1872, Nicholas Arnoldy liquidated his business, and with his brothers Michael, Peter, and Chris formed a wagon train, and Katherine decided to join Peter Jacobs, Franz Mergen, Matt Ellenz, William Schwinden, Nick Gasper, Philip Schroeder, John Beck, John Elser, Mike Cordel, and John Cordel—about a dozen families who left for Tipton, Kansas.[25]

Previous sections: Background for family historyParish, Local Development, History
Next sections: Travel to Kansas in 1872, Tipton KS, Seguin KS, LaCrosse WI



Volume VII, number 32, page 2. The book Buffalo Land is available in a Kindle edition.


 Dreiling, Michael P., A Brief History of the Saint Boniface Parish, (Saint Boniface Church, Tipton; 1937). Section XI: The Parishioners.






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