
Daun - Gemuenden

This blog post is a portion of Josef Mergen's:

Die Amerika-Auswanderung aus dem Regierungsbezirk Trier : Band VIII, die Amerika-Auswanderung aus dem Kreis Daun 

The Emigration to America from the Government District of Trier. Volume 8: The Emigration to America from Daun County

Additions and translations will continue through approximately 2019.

Zweiter Teil: Die Auswanderer. —Second part: the emigrants. 

A. Die Namen der Auswanderer—The names of the emigrants

The original Mergen document presents the emigrants in groupings by each town served by an administrative office. Thus, the section has six primary divisions: Amt [administrative office] Daun (page 3), Amt Gerolstein (page 44), Amt Hillesheim (page 56), Amt Lissendorf (page 69), Amt Gillendorf (page 80), and Amt Niederstadtfeld (page 92). Each of these Ãmter has a few towns whose residents report their births, marriages, deaths, and emigrations to the Amt.

This post contains the filed Entlassungsurkunden (Permits to Emigrate) for residents of Gemünden, who reported to Amt Daun. Some emigrées are included who left without a permit.

Page image Original text (OCR) English translation



22 . Gemünde n : (+)
Der Ackerer Nikolaus Schmitz , alleinste hend ,
nac h N.A.
2~ . 3.1854 , abgereist am 3 . 5 . 1854 .
Die s t andeslose Agnes We i s ,
na c h N. A.
3.6 . 1857, abgere i st am 10 . b . 1857 .
200 Taler.
60 Taler .
419 Die Di enst magd Katharina Rauen , 25 Jahre alt ,
nach N.A .
1886 , ." ohne E . - Urkun9.e a us gwandert tI •
420 Der Schre i ne r meister J ohann Thome , geb . 17 . 5 . 1845 i .Weiersbach ,
mit s . Fr au Christine Junge n, geb . 6 . 5 . 185o in Gemünden ,
und den Kindern
Maria Ev? , ge b . 8 . 11. 1875 , Si mon Karl, geb . 3 . 7 . 18e2 ,
nahh N. A.
6.1 2 .1 886, abgereis t am 1 3 .1.1 887.

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