
Namen der Auswanderer

This blog post is a portion of Josef Mergen's:

Die Amerika-Auswanderung aus dem Regierungsbezirk Trier : Band VIII, die Amerika-Auswanderung aus dem Kreis Daun 

The Emigration to America from the Government District of Trier. Volume 8: The Emigration to America from Daun County

Additions and translations will continue through approximately 2019.

Zweiter Teil: Die Auswanderer. —Second part: the emigrants. 

A. Die Namen der Auswanderer—The names of the emigrants

Note: The presentation of this section of the document makes a significant change from the original Mergen document. The original document groups the emigrants by each town served by an area administrative office (Amt). Thus, the section has six primary divisions: Amt Daun (page 3), Amt Gerolstein (page 44), Amt Hillesheim (page 56), Amt Lissendorf (page 69), Amt Gillendorf (page 80), and Amt Niederstadtfeld (page 92). Each of these Ãmter has a few towns whose residents report their births, marriages, deaths, and emigrations to the Amt.

Because the typical American researcher first has an immigrant's name—and only occasionally a town name (and almost never the Amt name), I made searches by name most effective. Do you see a search box at the top of this post? (Look for the box with a magnifying glass in it.) Just enter the name of your immigrant there—start with just the family name. Each of my posts has (will have) as key words the last names of emigrées that Mergen lists from this region.

This blog post contains the introductory text written by Mergen, followed by the six heading pages for each of the Ãmter. The "English translation" column lists the towns associated with each Amt, which are searchable to another post. As well, each of the town names is linked to another post. Each of these linked posts presents the entries for only one town, although the original pages sometimes include entries for more than one town that reports to the same Amt.

Page image Original text (OCR) English translation

Part II, page 1
Part Two. The Emigrants.

page 2
== =====================
A. Die Namen der Auswanderer aus dem Kreise Daun.
Vorbemerkung :

Die nun folgenden Namen der Auswanderer mit den dazu gehörigen Daten, wie Geburtsdatum, Beruf, Name der Frau, bezw. der Eltern, Auswanderungsgrund,  Reiseziel usw. sind in der Hauptsache den Akten des staatsarchivs entnommen.

Die Namen wurden orts- und dann amtsweise zusammengestellt. Die Ämter erscheinen in alphabetischer Reihenfolge, ebenso die Dörfer innerhalb der Ämter. Für jede Ortschaft sind die Namen chronologisch geordnet, wobei das Datum der Entlassungs-Urkunde maßgebend war.

Der Auswanderer wurde dem Orte zugeteilt, in dem er zulatzt seinen Wohnsitz hatte. Wenn Geburts- und Wohnort nicht identisch waren, wurde der Geburtsort mit angegeben, soweit die Akten hieruber Angaben enthielten.

Es bedeuten:
1. "dass er sich besser zu ernahren hoffe " oder dergl. = der vom Antragsteller auf dem Amt angegebene persönliche Auswanderungsgrund.

2. nach N.A., oder "nach Wisconsin" = das vom Antragsteller angegebene Reiseziel, N.A.= Nord-Amerika.

3. 14.7.1864 oder dergl., stets das letzte Datum des Antrags, = der Tag, an dem die Entlassungs-Urkunde ausgestellt wurde.

4. 180 Taler oder ahnl. = ale Höhe der dem Auswandernden zur Verfugung stehenden Reisemittel. Um falschen Schlüssen vorzubeugen, sei der Hinweis gestattet, dass die genannte Summe das Vermögen des Auswanderers ausmachen kann, es aber nicht unbedingt ausmachen muß. In manchen Fällen blieb das Grundvermögen ganz oder teilweise unveraußert, und erst spater, wenn sie drüben festen Fuß gefasst hatten, kamen die Ausgewanderten "zur Ordnung ihrer Vermögensverhältnisse" entweder selbst in die alte Heimat oder sie ließen dasselbe im Auftrag versteigern.
Viele Junggesellen waren bei lhrem Wegzug noch nicht im Besitz des elterlichen Vermögens. Ihnen wurde das Reisegeld von den Eltern meist zur Verfügung gestellt.

A. The names of the emigrants from the circle Daun.
Preliminary note:
The following names of the emigrants with the corresponding data, such as date of birth, occupation, name of the woman, bezw. the parents, reason for emigration, destination, etc. are taken from the files of the state archives.
The names were compiled locally and then by appointment. The offices appear in alphabetical order, as well as the villages within the offices. For each town the names are arranged chronologically, whereby the date of the discharge certificate was authoritative. The emigrant was assigned to the place where he was supposed to reside. If place of birth and place of residence were not identical, the place of birth was indicated, as far as the files contained information.

It means:
1. "that he hopes to be better fed" or the like = the personal emigration reason indicated by the applicant on the office.
2. to N.A., or "to Wisconsin" = the destination indicated by the applicant, N.A. = North America.
3. 14.7.1864 or the like, always the last date of the application, = the day on which the discharge certificate was issued.
4. 180 thalers or similar. = ale height of the means of travel available to the emigrant. In order to prevent wrong conclusions, it is permitted to note that the said sum may constitute the emigrant's property, but it does not necessarily have to constitute it. In some cases, the property remained wholly or partly unaltered, and it was not until later, when they had taken firm footing, that the emigrants "for the purpose of arranging their wealth" either returned to their old homeland or had it auctioned off on commission. Many bachelors were not in possession of parental property when they left. The travel money was mostly provided by the parents.

page 3
The city Daun (red) in the modern region for Verbandsgemeinde Daun (grayish-red)
in modern Landkreis Vulkaneifel (gray). The inset map is Rheinland-Pfalz.
Amt Daun is slightly different from the modern Verbandsgemeinde Daun (map at right). Mergen groups 21 towns with Amt Daun: Beinhausen, Boverath, Boxberg, Brück, DarscheidDaunDockweilerDreis,   Hörscheid, Hörschhausen, Kirchweiler, Kradenbach, Mehren, Neunkirchen, Pützborn, Rengen, Sarmersbach, Schalkenmehren, Schönbach, Steinborn, Waldkönigen, Gemünden.

page 44
The city Gerolstein (red) in the modern region for Verbandsgemeinde Gerolstein
(grayish-red) in modern Landkreis Vulkaneifel (gray). The inset map is Rheinland-Pfalz.
Amt Gerolstein is slightly different from the modern Verbandsgemeinde Gerolstein (map at right). Mergen groups 18 towns with Amt Gerolstein: Berlingen, Betteldorf, Büscheich, Essingen, Gees, Gerolstein, Hinterhausen, Hinterweiler, Hohenfels, Kalenborn, Lissingen, Michelbach, Müllenborn, Neroth, Pelm, Rockeskyll, Selm, Scheurern.

page 56
The city Hillesheim (red) in the modern region for Verbandsgemeinde Hillesheim
(grayish-red) in modern Landkreis Vulkaneifel (gray). The inset map is Rheinland-Pfalz.
Amt Hillesheim is slightly different from the modern Verbandsgemeinde Hillesheim (map at right). Mergen groups 15 towns with Amt Hillesheim: Berendorf, Bolsdorf, Dohm-Lammersdorf, Heyroth, Hillesheim, Kerpen, Leudersdorf, Loogh, Niederbettingen, Niederehe, Oberehe, Stroheich, Uxheim-Ahütte, Waldorf, Zillendorf.

page 69
The city Lissendorf (red) in the modern region for Verbandsgemeinde Lissendorf
(grayish-red) in modern Landkreis Vulkaneifel (gray). The inset map is Rheinland-Pfalz.
Amt Lissendorf is slightly different from the modern Ortsgemeinde Lissendorf (map at right). Mergen groups 11 towns with Amt Lissendorf: Auel (70), Basberg (70), Birgel (70-71), Esch (71), Feusdorf (71-72), Gönnersdorf (72-73), Glaadt (73-74), Lissendorf (74-75), Mirbach (75), Oberbettingen (75-76), Wiesbaum (76-79).

page 80

The city Gillenfeld (red) in the modern region for Verbandsgemeinde Gillenfeld
(grayish-red) in modern Landkreis Vulkaneifel (gray). The inset map is Rheinland-Pfalz.
Amt Gillenfeld is slightly different from the modern Ortsgemeinde Gillenfeld (map at right). Mergen groups 13 towns with Amt Gillenfeld: Allscheid (82-84), Brockscheid (84), Demerath (84-85), Ellscheid (85), Gillenfeld (85-87), Immerath (87-88), Mückeln (88), Saxler (88), Steineberg (88-89), Steiningen (89), Strohn (89-90), Strotzbüsch (90-91), Udler (91).

page 092

The city Niederstadtfeld (red) in the modern region for Verbandsgemeinde Niederstadtfeld
(grayish-red) in modern Landkreis Vulkaneifel (gray). The inset map is Rheinland-Pfalz.
Amt Niederstadtfeld is slightly different from the modern Ortsgemeinde Niederstadtfeld (map at right). Mergen groups 10 towns with Amt Niederstadtfeld: Bleckhausen (93), Deudesfeld (93-94), Meisburg (94-95), Niederstadtfeld (95-96), Oberstadtfeld (96-97), Trittscheid (97), üdersdorf (97-98), Wallenborn (98-99), Weidenbach (99-100), Weiersbach (100).

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